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The article talks about a standardized test for public school students in Albania. It is designed to help the students improve their knowledge of mathematics. I think it would be very interesting because it can highlight how other countries implement tests into their curriculum that are designed to help kids do better in math class. The article also discusses that, even though there are many articles written about this topic, people still do not know much about how these tests work or what they want to accomplish with them. The title: "A blind search: an internship in the math department at the University of Kentucky" is what grabbed my attention. It is an article about a man who goes to college for mathematics and how he learned that, although math helps with all fields, it does not work for everything. He realized that his career path would be completely different than what he originally planned and decided to move on and onto something else. This article seems like it will be very interesting because I think we can all relate to wanting something we love but, when we get there, we realize it is not the right choice and we have to make a decision whether or not we will stay there or do something else instead. I think it would be awesome to learn about his life and what got him to the University of Kentucky and what his dreams and goals were, and how he ended up liking studying something completely different than the topic he started out in. The title: "How long should you study for a math test? The usual answer is way off" grabbed my attention because I always feel like I should be studying more for math, even if that is not the case. This article explains why it is sometimes necessary to get extra help for tests or get tutoring or something like that because there might not be enough time to do well on the test even if you study a lot. I think it is important to know the tips and tricks about how to study for math class because I feel like most days I am not studying enough or I'm studying in ways that will not help me do my best on tests. The title "Why do children enjoy mathematics?" is what grabbed my attention. This sounds like an interesting topic because I think this is something that everyone has wondered at some point in their lives. It would be awesome to understand why most kids, even kids who are completely opposed to math, still enjoy it and how it relates to them growing up and feeling like they want to become mathematicians when they get older. The title "A year of math for high school seniors" is what grabbed my attention. I think it would be an interesting article because it talks about how most people are not prepared to study math at the level that they have to in college, so this program helps them with that. It seems like it will be really nice for them because they will have enough time to study and learn everything they need to before their first semester of college. This article also talks about how the students feel more motivated when they see their progress on the site, even if they were struggling before. The title: "Ready or Not" is what grabbed my attention. cfa1e77820